Philosophy of Knowledge
Charles: Philosophy of knowledge calls: Epistemology
Patrycja: some points
which made me think about:
● Knowledge
and Science make all changes in our lives..
● Karl
Popper said that science starts when we start to criticize something. So for
him the science is not when you sit at your room and you are thinking but when
you observe and register acts of sciences people.
Charles: I am impressed! Karl Popper is one of my research interest. I
will get back to him.
● There is
very important point of getting knowledge.. There are always changes what we
studied and what we can read in old books.. because the concepts of life are
changing. It is not that old science is bad done but the point is that they
are not modern
The human
mind is creative and there is no limit for it to explain things in new way.
Charles: Epistemology comes from two Greek words,
“episteme” means knowledge and “logos” means study. You know what I mean there.
Thus, epistemology is the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its
methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what
distinguishes justified belief from opinion. This branch of philosophy is
composed of questions in knowledge or in truth. “What is truth” is the most fundamental question in epistemology.
It is still a question today; whether it is absolute or relative. “How we could
attain knowledge or truth?” is another question. We will further discuss this
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